lunes, 12 de julio de 2021

Marathon de Paris


-Marathon de Paris 

Le Marathon de Paris, c'est une occasion unique, est un événement annuel organisé par la ville de Paris, alors profitez-en pour regarder autour de vous et apprécier ce décor étonnant, ses nombreux monuments et lieux chargés d'histoire.

Près de 145 nationalités et 60 000 coureurs viennent s'attaquer à la discipline de longue distance la plus mythique de l'athlétisme

Les athlètes fouleront les trottoirs des avenues et places les plus célèbres de la capitale française, depuis le pied de l'Arc de Triomphe, d'où ils prennent le départ, jusqu'à la place de la Concorde. De la rue de Rivoli, ils traverseront ensuite l'Opéra Garnier, la Place de la Bastille. Après  dans le Bois de Vincennes, des vues sur Notre-Dame et la Tour Eiffel indiquent le chemin du retour.

42 km dans la plus belle ville du monde.

Et comme votre week-end ne se résume pas à la course à pied, ce sera l'occasion de découvrir Paris, la ville, ses monuments, musées, et les spectacles


martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

What was the New Deal as introduced in 1933?

We created a mindmap with information about the New Deal in 1933, I did it with Benjamin Morer, Tomas brizuela and Marco Finucci.


Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por TOMAS BRIZUELA.CAVALLIN

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2021

What impact did the crash have on economy?

 We created a mindmap with information about how the crashed affected in USA's economy, here I leave you the result.

I did it with Benjamin Morer, Marco Finucci and Tomas Brizuela

Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por FABRICIO PERRONE

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2021


 My first proposal talks about how to improve education during the pandemia. The second proposal is about ways of improving the school canteen. In a proposal you persuade the readers to help you change something, and if that isn't changed, the problem will remain the same. By writing the proposals I learnt that you have to make clear whats your thoughts and what do you want to focus on. When i read my classmates proposal I noticed that we all have different thoughts on a same subject. 

Something to take into account when writing a proposal is writing the ideas that you have in mind in order to be more organised. Also you should always make sure that the paragraphs are balanced and have the same length. 

Proposal 1

How to improve education during the pandemic

Students and teachers nowadays know that virtual classes might be annoying and that sometimes we do not take advantage of them. In order to solve this problem I propose having few presencial classes in order to explain the themes, also having a schedule taking into account need and comfortness of the students and teachers and finally make more use of online resources in virtual classes

Mixed classes

Online classes are problematic since some students may not have access to the internet, what's more, explaining a new theme through virtual classes could be really confusing and that's a problem for students as they will not be able to finish their activities. That’s why I propose having some short presencial classes in order to explain the theory, so that students can understand their activities, leaving online classes free for asking doubts, advising students of activities or correcting homework.

Structured schedule for virtual classes

In addition to virtual classes being confusing, they are also not very well planned, because sometimes students don’t have time to eat their lunch or have their breakfast, which is a problem since students will lose energy and wouldn’t be able to concentrate. So as to solve this, I propose making a survey to agree when to interrupt the classes and how much time this breaktime should last.

Take advantage of online resources

Furthermore, we can take advantage of virtual classes by making use of online resources such as presentations, mind maps, kahoot and other applications that could make the classes more interesting, also this could help teachers gain the attention of the students which sometimes may be hard.

As we saw virtual classes are very hard to be used, and if we do not take into account the ideas that I proposed, education could be affected as online classes aren’t as effective as presencial classes.

Proposal 2

 This proposal has the objective of recommending improvements for the college canteen, in order to have more students eating in the establishment. 

Food variety

 Nowadays there are a lot of people who are going vegan because of different reasons, such as a healthier lifestyle, or even religious thoughts. Moreover the canteen should provide food that is suitable for students that may have health issues, for instance celiac disease, diabetes or hypertension. What's more, eating every day the same food it's not that good for health and also students get bored at some point.

Shorter queues

 Waiting so long when you are hungry it’s a big problem, as you get really mad when this happens, that’s why adding another cashier might be a great improvement in order to have less waiting time and so that all students receive their food as fast as possible, which will lead to more customers.

Cleaning staff

 Finally having more employees that would perform the task of keeping the canteen clean will result in students that eat in the establishment feel comfortable, as no one wants to eat surrounded by trash or bad smell. I do not think that this is very necessary because everyone has to throw away their trash and that way there will not be much garbage.

I would recommend having a variation of food, as it is very important to think about everyone, and this would allow students to choose whatever they want to eat and not have trouble at the moment of lunch.

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2021

What were the roaring twenties?

Here, I leave the mind map about the roaring twenties. I did it with Augusto Urquizu, Tomas Brizuela and Franco Marche. Hope, you like it!

miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2021

Why did agriculture not share in the prosperity?

 This is a mind map where I explain why did agriculture not share in the prosperity of 1920 in the USA. I did this with Tomas Brizuela, Marco Finucci, Salvador Tognolini, hope you like it.