viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

The ghost of the Mary Celeste

Hi I am Ricardo Rodriguez, member of the Dei Gratia's crew. We were sailing on the Atlantic Ocean, on a trip from New York to Gibraltar. Everything was okay until we saw that ship.
 I was eating on the Dei Gratia, and our captain told us that there was a ship, it was strange because no one was driving it, and we made signs and there was no answer. We decided to take the lifeboat and go there. When we arrived and got on the ship, wich was called Mary Celeste, no one was there. The ship was intact and had a lot of food. We found a sword with blood and stains on the deck. It was very suspicious because the lifeboat was there. We took down notes about what we saw and returned to our ship, but suddenly, when we were about to return, something strange started moving. I can't describe what was that kind of person, but it was floating!! It started to attack all my friends in a very savage way. I jumped into the ocean and started swimming to my ship. I embarked and went away. It was horrible to see how my friends tried to defend themselves and that "ghost" just killed all with a sword.
 That night I got to the conclusion that the crew of the Mary Celeste had killed a sailor who then became the bloody ghost and then he got his revenge in the same way as he killed my friends. I have nightmares now, and sometimes I wake up with scars on my arms! I can't stop thinking about that strange thing.

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